Sunday, November 28, 2010

Success!!!! Well, maybe.

The band was nice to me -- tightness went away so I could eat some of Thanksgiving dinner, and some pie.... went out to eat a couple times, and I have one more thanksgiving meal to get through today. 

Of course, it has been a little crazy here, so I haven't gone to the gym, so I am not sure what that is going to do to me.  

I am supposed to go to the Big City for a weigh-in tomorrow, but it has been snowing all night.... and the storm wasn't even supposed to start til tonight.  So -- I am thinking I will call and cancel my appointment for now.  The vomiting-PB-slimy crap has stopped.  I can't eat every meal, but more than I was.  So the only reason I need to go tomorrow is to step on the scale.  LOL -- give me a week at the gym and then I will go.

Thanksgiving Day went well with the family.  As always, I enjoyed my family -- I love being in a family like mine.  And dinner with the in-laws was not so bad, considering we went there twice.... before Grandma's and after grandma's.  

On the before trip, everyone was diving into the snacks and talking.... only one of the cousins even acknowledged I was there. But later, some others walked right up and introduced themselves to me, which was nice.  There were still alot of people there, and I am not fond of crowds, so it was a little weird.  But... as more people left and I could loosen up a bit, then it was actually kind of nice. 

My sister-in-law called -- she lives back east.  She stayed here with our family while my brother was deployed and I just miss her so much now that she has gone back to her own home. 

We did a lot of shopping this weekend... both for Christmas, and for the house.  Get this --- we managed to hit one hell of a clearance sale at Lowe's!!!!  We got the most beautiful wall sconces. Regular price: $88.  Clearance Price; $17.90.  But hey, it's Thanksgiving and we want this GONE, so take another 90% off of everything on this rack.  Final price: $1.70   There was one light on the rack, so we snatched it up. And then, as I was wandering (waiting for the husband) I happened to notice three more way up high on the shelf.  So..... I grabbed a store manager, and YES, I got three more at the same price. Wahooo!!!!  I don't like shopping much, but who can complain about that???

Tomorrow is back to the grind..... even if I don't do a weigh-in, I will make it back to the gym.  If that is the only thing I do all day, I must go to the gym.  I am sure I will be back to 20 minutes on the elliptical after not going this week. But it shouldn't be too hard to get back up to 30.  

That's all for a weekend.  I hope you all had a really nice band-happy holiday.   

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