Saturday, December 4, 2010

Naming the Band.... may need some help on this one!

I totally love that so many of you have given your band a name.  

I think maybe my band needs a name.

As I was bowing before the Porcelain Throne tonight after dinner, I decided that if I had to give her a name today, it would be The Bitch. 

I was doing OK after an unfill three weeks ago.  But suddenly I am too tight again.  I have been on liquids only for a couple days.  Well, tonight I caved and had a bit of baked potato.... very soft.  But, my stomach rebelled. 

But on a good band day, maybe The Bitch doesn't sound very friendly.  I just haven't come up with a suitable alternative yet.  

Any ideas?


  1. How about Ralph? get it? ok maybe it's not the best name but I thought it was funny. Sorry you're so tight again, that really sucks. I know I haven't been blogging lately...long story...but I have been reading your blog and wanted to say how much I enjoy it and look forward to seeing what you have to say. Sending warm, sunshine-y wishes your way :)

  2. Mine doesn't have a name either but from your description I think that it's your band's twin!
    Ralph is inspired!

  3. I haven't thought of a name for mine either and we have been together for 8 months. Every now and then I think about naming her, but I can never find the right one :)

  4. Poor thing. Even a soft potato didn't go down...make sure you are getting some protein in! Now the name...I have no idea. I keep going back and forth in thought about naming..the bitch sounds about right to me though for right now..feel better

  5. Hahaha... I love Ralph... I'll have to consider that one. But then... what if it brings bad Karma?

    Amanda.... I will do protein shakes today. And tomorrow is my weigh-in so if I need another unfill, I can do that easily.

    Alison... if our bands are twins, your could be named (up)Chuck!!!
